
When reality dawns on you

You're in your final year in college . It all seems like yesterday . Time is flying so fast , memories of your first year and second year keep flashing in your head. Then the thoughts start to come and go . What's next , what's the future going to be like , that mini panic starts . Graduation day comes , now it's the real panic. You have to start making decisions ; the most crucial ones What do you do Do you get a masters degree and go further from there? Do you get married and bring that perfect picture in your head into realization? Do you start a business as an enterpreneur and aim for space? Do you just loaf around? Do you travel the world ? Which do you choose Everything that happens is as a result of a previous choice you made ;it's like a cycle which goes on a All I can say is Most times that picture in our head isn't how it is in reality . Actualizing it can be a toughie. But give your best. Give your all. The earlier you start anyth...


Well infidelity has been accepted in my environment, most people don't see it as an issue that needs to be addressed constantly. Women need to know they don't have to ever settle for less ! And if  we all come together , what is slowly being accepted as a norm will be curbed at the very least . To be realistic , it can't be totally eradicated but still not this rampant! We need to set standards for what we want, then work towards achieving that goal.